Feb 26, 2014

May 5th, 2013

In partnership with The Abbe Underground, 545 & Co. proudly presents The 2013 Mount Desert Elementary School and 2013 Waponahki student art shows, featuring the musical stylings of student band POW (Play Out Workshop)! The following works are just a few of the many beautiful pieces displayed during our afternoon of fun at The Abbe Museum

Through the fearless colors and expressions of these young artists, we are invited to glimpse the world in new and different ways.

Mount Desert Elementary School art teacher Carol Shutt shows us a few
impressionist oil-pastels created by her students during the MDES Arts Week.

Getting ready, putting the final touches of our first exhibit.
Guests begin to arrive...
Sunday Funday here we go!
It's a beautiful spring day out in the Abbe Museum Courtyard.
Guests Joanna and Julia enjoy the warm weather.
Everyone is eagerly waiting for POW to go on!
Delicious snacks donated by Amigo del Diablo.
Snacking and chatting.
POW [the Play Out Workshop] sets up their equipment
in the Abbe Museum courtyard.
POW serenades the warm spring afternoon with
their smooth and funky grooves.
What do we have here?
The Abbe Underground!

Many thanks to Leary's Landing for lending us their bar and to Amigo del Diablo for their generous donation hot and fresh chips and salsa, crispy beef chimichangas, and wings!
*For a full pictorial tour of our Backyard Sunday Funday, please visit our Facebook gallery. 

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